We are able to ship worldwide but get informed for your country’s customs and duty policies, as we are not liable for any fees or taxes your package may be subject to.

Most of the time this is not the case and all items ship without issue and customs clearance delays.

Take into consideration that random customs checks may cause a delay in delivery, also known as "clearance delay". Occasionally packages may be delayed up to 40 days, but this is an uncommon event. The usual transit time is 5 - 15 days.

We also recommend purchasing tracking options when shipping back to our studio any pieces as a proof of shipment and also better tracking.

Note: In case your package gets held up at customs, you may be asked to pay VAT, duty or delivery charges (handling fees) to receive your item. Keep in mind that every country has different customs costs. We are not responsible for extra duties and import taxes and our prices do not reflect those charges.