If you need to return an item to IANASSA, please use the following tips to ensure it arrives safely and without delays back to us:

1. Preparing your package

Return your piece in a small bubble mailer, like the one in the image below. No large box will be accepted by the post office. Do not include other packaging materials, only return your jewelry item in a plastic baggie. Keep it small and simple.


2. Start the RMA process

Use the following link to Start a Return
Select the Order ID and then the Item you want to return

Select a Reason for the return. The options to select are:

  • Damaged - Broken
  • Don't Like
  • Wrong Finish
  • Wrong Size
  • Other

Select a Resolution:

  • Exchange - Processed as Store Credit
  • Refund as Store Credit - Immediate Upon Shipment
  • Refund - Upon Delivery
  • Repair

Please add any details in the "Additional Information" field.

If the item is damaged--wrong size--wrong finish please include and upload an image using the Attach Files option

At the end Submit your Request and wait for an Approval Confirmation Email.


3. Receiving the Approval Email and Printing the RMA packing slip.

Once you receive the Approval Return Request email please print the RMA packing slip which contains the RMA ID as well as the Order ID and included in the package. If you are not able to print the RMA packing slip please include in a paper hand writing the Order number, the return is related to.

RMA packing slip preview

The return address is:

Dionysia Klavdianou
Stratarchou Alexandrou Papagou 126, Kamatero 134 51

All return packages must have a full name and include the Order number in order to be processed. 


4. Drop it in the mail 

Always send the package as registered mail, including a tracking number.

Quick Tips for Packing and shipping

  • Please do not ship item in a box but in a bubble envelope instead. Do not include the original IANASSA gift box or any packaging material.
  • If possible please, send pieces secured in individual baggies within the package for extra safety.
  • Be sure pieces are clasped together to avoid tangling.
  • Ship your package via your local postal service

5. Completing the Return Request

The final step is to "Confirm Shipping" . Don't forget to include the tracking number in the "Add Message" and "Submit" before hitting the "Confirm Shipping" button.

Follow the rma link in the approval confirmation email or by visiting your Account > My returns and select "Confirm Shipping"

 Once you Confirm Shipping the Return is completed and depending on the Resolution type, your return will be processed immediately or upon delivery in our place.

* IANASSA Exchange credits and "Refund as credit store", are issued when the package is posted.  All other refunds are issued when the package is received and processed at our studio.